

How to fix a leaking tap

How to fix a leaking tap

Most of the time, if a tap in your home is leaky, dripping or hard to close it's the result of a broken washer. While it's possible that your leaking tap's a 'washerless' tap (i.e. one with a ball, cartridge or ceramic disc mechanism - see the 'Types of taps' article linked below), it's a lot less likely that these taps will be leaking like this. You can usually tell if you have a ceramic disc type tap because it'll only need a quarter or half turn to fully open the tap.


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Energy and water management

WELS labels and ratings

Water-producing bathroom fittings in Australia need to comply with basic water-efficiency standards. As a part of the WELS scheme, they are rated and given a label that shows how efficient they are.


How to choose a cat flap or dog door

Cat flaps and doggie doors can give your best friend some much needed freedom - but they can also have a big impact on your home's comfort and security. Find out how to choose the right ones.

Climate control
Principles of passive design

Principles of passive design

Passive house design involves controlling the climate in a home - and there's a lot more to it than just making sure you have enough insulation or that you have double glazing.
