

How to fix a leaking tap

How to fix a leaking tap

Most of the time, if a tap in your home is leaky, dripping or hard to close it's the result of a broken washer. While it's possible that your leaking tap's a 'washerless' tap (i.e. one with a ball, cartridge or ceramic disc mechanism - see the 'Types of taps' article linked below), it's a lot less likely that these taps will be leaking like this. You can usually tell if you have a ceramic disc type tap because it'll only need a quarter or half turn to fully open the tap.


Learn more about

Climate control
Gas heating

Gas heating (natural gas and LPG)

Natural gas is a relatively cheap fuel for heating, and is a popular option where gas reticulation is available.



Found in older homes and some electrical appliances, fuses are thin wires that break when too much current flows through them, protecting appliances from current surges or spikes.

Hot water
Thermostatic valve

Position and output temperature restrictions

Find out how regulations in Australia dictate where and how you position your hot water system, and at what temperature water must be stored and released from your taps.
