
Crown Security's blog

Specialising in systems for residential and commercial use, Crown Security have over 20 years' experience in security. Our range includes security cameras, alarm systems, access control systems, smart door locks, smart wiring, home theatre installations and ducted vacuum systems. Call now for a quot

Are Smart Homes a Good Investment?     by   Crown Security

07 July 2020

Smart homes, and all the associated benefits and gadgets that go with it, are big news right now. And the interest is only set to increase...

Spruce Up Home Security During This Year's Spring Clean     by   Crown Security

24 September 2019

Spring cleaning is something many of us associate with the cathartic process of brushing away the winter and getting home and garden ready for the lazy, hazy days of summer...

Is Your Security Alarm System NBN Ready?     by   Crown Security

15 June 2018

Much has been said and written about the National Broadband Network or NBN - a countrywide infrastructure project which promises a new era of faster, more reliable telecommunications and internet connectivity for homes and businesses...


Securing Your Home Over The Holiday Period     by   Crown Security

13 December 2017

Christmas is a time for giving but it also seems to be peak time for taking. The experts tell us that the holiday period is boom time for burglars and it’s not just uninhabited homes whose owners have gone away that are at risk from unwanted visitors...
