

How to unblock a toilet

A blocked toilet can be an awful thing, and knowing the right way to unblock one can prevent a bad situation from becoming much, much worse...


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Rectified tiles

Rectified tiles vs. non-rectified tiles: what's the difference?

Rectified tiles cost a little more, but they offer a completely different look and style to non-rectified tiles. Find out more about the differences and what's most likely to suit your needs.

Performance considerations for doors

Performance considerations for doors

What makes a door 'perform' well comes down as much to its suitability as it does to its quality. Find out how to plan for and choose doors that perform the way they need to.


Pergola materials

The materials you choose to use in the construction of your pergola will affect how durable and long wearing it is, and how well it will complement the other parts of your home's exterior.
