

Light switch

How to clean light switches

Cleaning light switches is not difficult, and is perfectly safe provided that you do it the right way.

Cleaning a light globe

How to clean light globes

Light globes, particularly those outside, can lose a significant amount of light output if not cleaned regularly.

Lighting maintenance

Lighting maintenance

There's not a whole lot to maintaining lighting, but a little effort once in a while can make a pretty significant difference. Learn more about maintaining your lights, and how to recycle safely.

How to recycle fluorescent globes

Fluorescent globes contain mercury. Find out how to recycle them safely and avoid harmful pollution.

Will switching to different globes save you money?

Newer globe types may be cheaper to run, but they're also more expensive to buy. Is switching worth the effort?


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Maintaining kitchen appliances

Most kitchen appliances see plenty of use, and are exposed to all sorts of perishable foodstuffs. For this reason - and because they're the sorts of things you don't want to have to replace too often - regular maintenance is a must.


Laundry floors

Laundry floors are very similar to kitchen floors in terms of demands, and because they're often next to each other these rooms often share a floor covering.

Draught stoppers and weather strips

Draught stoppers and weather strips

The outside edges of an exterior door in particular can make a significant contribution to your home's overall energy efficiency. See how draught stoppers, weather strips and sweeps can make a difference.
