

How to clean heating ducts and vents

Heating ducts carry air all around your house, and vents often get dirty as a result of how much air flows through them. Find out if (and how) you need to clean them.


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Bore water

Bore water and hard water

Bore water may be a huge convenience in remote locations with unreliable rainfall, but it can also cause damage to plumbing systems. See what needs to be taken into account.


Fittings and couplings

Pipes are connected and directed using many different types of fittings. Find out what some of the more common joints and couplings are called, and what they're designed to do.


Maintaining kitchen appliances

Most kitchen appliances see plenty of use, and are exposed to all sorts of perishable foodstuffs. For this reason - and because they're the sorts of things you don't want to have to replace too often - regular maintenance is a must.
