

How to clean mirrors

How to clean mirrors

A clean bathroom mirror will affect how big the room feels, as well as how much light is reflected throughout the bathroom.

Vanity cabinet maintenance

Vanity cabinet maintenance

Once your new vanity's installed, you will need to look after it to preserve its appeal. Cleaning your vanity regularly is important not just for the sake of hygiene, but also to prevent long term staining.

How to clean vanities and cabinets

Cleaning your vanity is good for hygiene - it's also a way to prevent permanent stains, and to keep your bathroom looking good.


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Roller doors

Roller doors, like tilt doors, are used almost exclusively as garage doors. Because of the way they operate, roller doors generally take up less space than tilt doors, and are often automated.

Ventilation: what you need to know

Ventilation: what you need to know

There are a few important performance considerations you need to understand in order to get your head around how home ventilation should work.

Unblocking a drain

How to unblock a drain

Blocked drains in your kitchen are no fun - but thankfully they're not too difficult to deal with. Read our guide on how to unblock a drain and save yourself from a watery disaster.
