

How to unblock a toilet

A blocked toilet can be an awful thing, and knowing the right way to unblock one can prevent a bad situation from becoming much, much worse...

Toilet maintenance

Toilet maintenance

Cleaning a toilet is the least fun but most necessary part of cleaning a bathroom.

Toilet cleaning equipment

How to clean a toilet

For obvious hygiene reasons, cleaning your toilets is the most important part of maintaining a clean bathroom.

How to replace a toilet seat

How to replace a toilet seat

In most cases, replacing your toilet seat is an easy and relatively inexpensive task.


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Climate control

Hydronic heating

Hydronic heating uses heated water pumped through a network of pipes to radiators. It also works as under-floor heating.


Maintenance of window frames

Like nearly any part of the home, windows need care and regular maintenance to function at full capacity. Maintaining window frames is relatively easy and if done regularly, can increase...


Safety certificates for electrical work

For all work done by an electrician in Australia, you should obtain an electrical compliance certificate. Find out what a compliance certificate is, how it works and why you need one.
