

Bathroom maintenance

Bathroom maintenance

If they're not maintained properly, your bathrooms can cause you all kinds of headaches. Find out how to properly care for your bathroom without wearing your fingers to the bone.

Fix a flooded bathroom

Bathroom flooding? Don't panic - in this article we explain how to stop the flooding, how to prevent any further damage and how to stay safe when your bathroom's flooded.

How to clean mirrors

How to clean mirrors

A clean bathroom mirror will affect how big the room feels, as well as how much light is reflected throughout the bathroom.

How to clean a bathtub

Baths need to be cleaned regularly to ensure that they're a pleasant place to bathe. Find out how to safely and effectively clean your bathtub.

How to unblock a toilet

A blocked toilet can be an awful thing, and knowing the right way to unblock one can prevent a bad situation from becoming much, much worse...

Vanity cabinet maintenance

Vanity cabinet maintenance

Once your new vanity's installed, you will need to look after it to preserve its appeal. Cleaning your vanity regularly is important not just for the sake of hygiene, but also to prevent long term staining.

How to clean vanities and cabinets

Cleaning your vanity is good for hygiene - it's also a way to prevent permanent stains, and to keep your bathroom looking good.

Toilet maintenance

Toilet maintenance

Cleaning a toilet is the least fun but most necessary part of cleaning a bathroom.

Toilet cleaning equipment

How to clean a toilet

For obvious hygiene reasons, cleaning your toilets is the most important part of maintaining a clean bathroom.

How to replace a toilet seat

How to replace a toilet seat

In most cases, replacing your toilet seat is an easy and relatively inexpensive task.

Shower maintenance

Shower maintenance

Cleaning your shower is a necessary evil. If you do it regularly (and properly), your shower will only need a light clean every time.

Cleaning a shower

How to clean a shower

Find out how to deal with stubborn water film on glass, how to clean a shower head and how to wash tiles to make your shower sparkle like it's new.

Unblocking a drain

How to unblock a drain

Blocked drains in your kitchen are no fun - but thankfully they're not too difficult to deal with. Read our guide on how to unblock a drain and save yourself from a watery disaster.

Mould and rust on taps

How to deal with mould and rust

Cleaning mould is not simply a matter of wiping it off and assuming the job's finished. Find out how to effectively clean rust stains and get rid of mould for good in your bathroom.

Sauna maintenance

Sauna maintenance

Caring for saunas isn't that complicated. For the most part, it comes down to knowing how to clean up after yourself, and what sorts of things you need to avoid.

Maintenance of bathroom fittings

Keeping your fittings clean and gleaming will really make them stand out, and if you’ve put any amount of time into your bathroom design, they will be one of the key features that people will notice.

Traps, drains and wastes

How to clean and maintain taps and wastes

There's nothing worse than a leaky tap - except perhaps a dirty and leaking tap. Find out how to clean and maintain your fittings.

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Home entertainment

What's the difference between SD and HD set top boxes?

Not all set top boxes are equal - and if you're on the market for one, it's important that you know what you're paying for. Find out what the difference is between SD and HD set top boxes.

Roof regulations

Roof regulations

If you live in a bushfire or cyclone prone area, special regulations affect how your roof is built - and likewise for many other conditions. See what regulations affect roofs.

Heater emergencies

5 big heater emergencies

Because of the fuels they use, problems with heaters have the potential to be quite serious. Find out how to deal with problems with your heater.
