
How to Lay Sod Over Existing Lawn

28 December 2023

laying sod over the lawn

 A lush, green lawn is any homeowner's pride and joy, and occasionally laying sod over the lawn can be a practical and efficient approach to achieving that dream landscape. In this detailed guide, we'll walk you through the process of effectively laying sod over your existing lawn, transforming it into a vibrant and healthy carpet of green.

Guide On How to Lay sod Over Existing Lawn

Assess Your Existing Lawn

It is essential to evaluate your lawn's present condition before beginning laying sod over the lawn. Look for patches of barren ground, hills or valleys, or places where the grass isn't growing very well. Pay attention to any hidden problems, including weeds or compacted soil. Using the findings of this evaluation, you can adjust your sod-laying strategy to meet unique obstacles and get the best possible outcomes.

Preparation of Soil 

Get the ground ready by cutting the grass short and clearing it of any rubbish. Soil aeration is one option for reducing compacted soil and increasing the uptake of water and nutrients. Applying a non-selective herbicide a few weeks prior to sod installation will assist in eradicating undesirable vegetation if your lawn experiences ongoing weed problems.

Improve the Soil

Find out how acidic and nutrient-rich the soil is by conducting a test. Incorporate the recommended organic materials and fertilizers into the soil according to the findings to make it suitable for laying sod over the lawn. If you want a healthy lawn and strong roots in the long run, this is the step for you.

Measure and Order Sod

Determine just how much ground you will be covering with sod. Get your hands on healthy, pest-and disease-free sod by shopping at a reliable supplier. In order to get the most results, think about picking a kind of sod that is compatible with your weather and soil.

Techniques for Proper Installation

Start placing the sod along a straight border, such as a sidewalk or driveway, making sure the seams are tight. For a more polished look and to hide any seams, stagger the sod in a brick-like pattern. To speed up the root-establishing process, use a sod roller to smooth out any bumps and make sure the soil is touching the sod well.

Fertilization and Setup

Thoroughly water the newly laid sod right after it is installed. For the first several weeks, make sure the sod is always damp so the roots may take hold. As the sod establishes roots and begins to develop, you can gradually decrease the frequency of watering.

Post-Installation Care

For the first several weeks after laying sod over the lawn, light foot traffic is best to ensure optimal establishment. Pay close attention to any symptoms of distress, such as withering or yellowing, and take immediate action as necessary. To maintain a healthy and vibrant sodded lawn, it is important to mow, fertilize, and eliminate pests regularly.

Make necessary adjustments

Keep an eye out on a regular basis for pests, diseases, uneven growth, and other issues with your sodded lawn. Respond to the changing seasons and your lawn's unique requirements by modifying your lawn care program. You can keep your newly placed sod looking beautiful for a long time if you take the initiative to care for it.


A rewarding activity that will revitalize your landscape is laying sod over your lawn. By following the tips and methods presented, you will not only obtain a visually gorgeous lawn, but you will also nurture long-term health and vitality in the sodded area. Accept the transition by using suitable installation methods, careful post-installation care, and continuing maintenance. Your dedication to these techniques ensures not just the instant attractiveness of your outdoor environment but also its long-term vibrancy. Each step contributes to a thriving, green sanctuary that demonstrates your dedication and enthusiasm for a healthy home environment.


Q1: Is it necessary to remove the old grass before I lay sod over my lawn?

A1: Absolutely! However, in order to successfully establish sod, it is essential to prepare the soil by cutting short and aerating.

Q2: How often should I water the newly laid sod?

A2: Water newly laid sod well and maintain a steady moisture level for the first several weeks; as roots develop, water less frequently.

Q3: When is the best time to lay sod? 

A3: During the growing season, which is usually in the spring or fall, when the weather is mild, the roots may develop more quickly.

Bela Watson is a full-time Blogger and writer on, she writes about many topics like Real Estate, Home Improvement, Lifestyle, Digital marketing, etc to share her valuable knowledge with their readers.

