
Cool down with energy tips

29 October 2019

Keeping a cool home as the weather heats up is all about balance – while your home can be equipped with plenty of devices to keep the temperature down, it often has a sting in the tail that hits you electricity bill!

According to the 2019 Houzz & Home Australia study, 43% of renovating homeowners prioritise improving their energy efficiency – this figure is higher among baby boomers (50%) than millennials (36%).

Here are some tips to help you slash your energy bill:

Solar panels can save a homeowner when it comes to the energy bill.

Install Solar Panels:

Houzz found that there has been an annual increase in renovating or upgrading solar systems – 7% in 2016, 9% in 2017, and 11% in 2018.

While not cheap to manufacture or install, the money you can save using solar energy (which is free) should make it worth the investment. To get the best bang for your buck, try to place the panels on areas of your roof that capture the most natural sunlight during the day.

Ceiling Fans:

Far cheaper than air conditioning, ceiling fans are perfect for the warm temperatures. Homeowners are also installing ceiling fans in undercover outdoor areas.


Insulation doesn’t just keep the heat in but also acts as a shield from the outside heat. The most obvious choice is building insulation either in a new home or a renovation. Be mindful that different states operate different standards so be sure to seek professional help before shelling out the cash.


Poor orientation of your home can let excess heat in. While it’s not always possible to alter the orientation of the home, using vertical structures, such as trees, shrubs and timber battens, can improve shading.


Keep your windows closed during the day and open at night. If the temperature has dropped enough, the night is a good time for passive cooling and you may not need the fan. It also allows trapped hot air to escape.

Air conditioning units can prove expensive in hot weather.

If you still can’t live without the air conditioner, try to acquire an energy efficient unit with a three-star rating or more. Be sure to turn on the fan as well as it will help the air circulate and reduce the energy usage of the air conditioner.

