
Choosing The Right Solar-Powered Roof Vents

05 June 2020

 Due to global warming people are desperate to choose sustainable ventilation solutions. In the 21st century, we are facing extreme weather and we are likely to use extra energy during this time. The solar-powered roof ventilation simplifies the problem of running wires to the attic and extra bucks to pay the electricity bill. The solar gable fans or mounted attic fans are installed to prevent fuming summer air in the attic and also prevent ice damming. The system protects your shingles each season from hurricane, hail, tornadoes and other weather casualties along with keeping your house at moderate temperature.

How Should You Choose The Right Solar Power?

The two vital benefits of solar roof ventilation is to prevent seasonal damage and promote energy-saving both in environmental and monetary terms. 

The solar-powered ventilation systems are chosen after the measuring factors such as the size of the property, the power required, seasons, fan blades, windy areas, panel adjustability, and durability. You can choose between 30-watt solar panel ventilation that covers up to 2,800 sq ft to a variety of gable mounted and flush-mounted venting fans. There are two basic types of exhaust fans for ventilation known as roof-mounted fans and gable mounted fans which are further divided. Unlike motor-powered ventilation, the solar-powered systems should and ideally and exceptionally quiet.

Many contractors and buyer’s tops choice is a ventilation solution that is simple to install and has extended warranty up to 25years. A better investment is a crucial factor in the most durable solar systems. An ideal attic fan powered by solar energy should be at least 24 watt that provides ventilation up to 2000sp. Ft. Ventilation systems for hurricane-prone areas require setting up with different capabilities. In most cases, flush-mounted attic ventilators are the best choice for residents in areas with winds up to 14minles per hour, including the gulf areas.

Wind panels are priced per unit after measuring the air volume per hour. As far as harsh weather is concerned, weatherproof solar panels are a choice for people who live in the uncertainty of the present and future extreme weather. Weatherproof shields are prepared with tempered glass and can easily withstand harshness and hails. The weatherproof ventilation system can ideally cover up to 1600 sq ft. However, the warranty at best provided is of 5 years. 

However, you will need your attic to be properly insulated before any and all installation of solar panels. Insulation helps mixing the attic air and conditioned air into your house. 

Many solar-powered ventilation systems maintain the aesthetic look of your house. Anyhow, while deciding if the value and product are worth paying the price, the best way to know is understanding your extractor fan diameter (diameter of 250-350mm is recommended for domestic homes) and solar panel wattage. The standard warranty for panels is 10-15 years on average however, the motor warranty is up to 3 years only. Solar panels are not recommended at cities with longer nights because solar roof ventilators do not motorize at night.

