
Duane Pinta's blog - May 2024

Calm Oasis: Neutral Interior Paint Picks     by   Duane Pinta

28 May 2024

Imagine stepping into a space that washes over you with serenity. The colours are soft and inviting, like a big exhale after a long day. That's the magic of neutral interior paint colours. They create a calming oasis, a blank canvas for your style to shine through...

Matt Finish Magic: The Must-have for Brisbane Walls     by   Duane Pinta

06 May 2024

Our beautiful Brissie sun is awesome, but it can bleach your furniture and make those little wall dings scream for attention. That's where matt paint comes in – it's not just a trend, it's a must-have for Brissie walls! It looks amazing and is super practical too...

Is Painting Your Tile Roof Worth It?     by   Duane Pinta

03 May 2024

Your roof is like your house's hat – it cops a beating from the Aussie sun and rain. For folks with terracotta or concrete tile roofs, a common question pops up: repaint or nah? Thinking about a revamp but worried about the cost to paint a tile roof in Sydney ?...

Don't Ignore Roof Leaks! Save Money Now!     by   Duane Pinta

02 May 2024

Let's be honest, fixing stuff around the house is a pain. It can be a pain, take ages, and cost a wad of cash. But your roof? Leaving small problems alone can turn into a big ol' mess – and a much fatter bill – later on. So, how can you avoid the stress and keep your money safe?...

Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal: Fresh Exterior Paint     by   Duane Pinta

01 May 2024

image presents: Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal: Fresh Exterior Paint Does the look of your house exterior leave something to be desired? Has the paint become faded, chipped, or just plain old? Don't underestimate the power of a good first impression!...
