
4 Questions Answered About How To Plumb A Fridge

30 March 2022

Does a plumbed-in fridge with ice-maker and on-demand filtered water dispenser sound cool? We demystify how to plumb a fridge in this post.


It keeps your food fresh, your meat safely frozen and your beers perfectly chilled. But have you thought about getting a plumbed-in fridge?

If the idea of a plumbed in fridge-freezer sounds a little alien, think again about the last time you visited a home or browsed the large appliance store and noticed those whiz-bang new fridges with the ice and chilled/filtered water dispensers. That’s exactly what we’re talking about!

Those on-demand ice makers and chilled water dispensers are cool new features that may seem exciting, but put so many people off once they realise they need to look into fridge plumbing. Life’s hard enough without spending time and money on what is essentially an expensive luxury you can do without, right?

Find out more here:

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