
Open top pergolas

Open top pergolas
Open top pergolas help to define a space without completely enclosing it.

What are open top pergolas?

An open top pergola is a pergola in the traditional sense of the word; the dictionary defines a pergola as an open-roof structure designed to support vines and trellises. These types of pergolas lend a distinct Mediterranean feel to a backyard, and have been in use for centuries. The open roof structure gives the space the frame of being an indoor room, but one which is still completely open to the elements. Support for vines and trellises may be optional, but these can further add to the authentic feel and can provide some protection against the wind as well. If the vines are properly trained then given time they can cover over the pergola like a roof.


What are the benefits of open top pergolas?

These pergolas tend to be aesthetic improvements for garden surrounds, and can give character and appeal to entertaining areas. They offer plenty of natural light and give the impression of an enclosed space without actually being one.


How are open top pergolas constructed?

Open roof pergolas generally take much less time and effort to construct, as they are ultimately just a number of posts joined at the top with beams. Trellises may be attached to the sides to partially enclose the space and vines or creepers can be trained to grow up the trellises to provide a living wall.


What kinds of problems can open top pergolas have?

If you are thinking of building one of these pergolas then you have already thought about its limitations in terms of offering protection from the elements and how this may in turn limit its potential uses - although if you're considering an open top pergola it's almost certainly because it'll be an attractive addition to your space. One caveat in particular concerns the vines or creepers you choose - keep in mind that depending on where you are and what you plant, your pergola may end up hosting a small army of insects like moths, caterpillars or other things which have the potential to spoil an evening dinner party...
